Working to manage grasslands for society and the environment

The Midwest Conservation Biomass Alliance (MCBA) is a diverse partnership focused on conserving native grasslands to enhance both our agricultural economy and environment. Participants come from various sectors of business, government, and academia to restore and promote native grasslands to provide sustainable forms of food, fuel, and fiber. The group is dedicated to learning new ways to incorporate grasslands into agricultural production and then applying such knowledge through site-specific projects.

What is conservation biomass?

The production of biomass as a crop in well-designed management systems for the purposes of ecosystem services benefits and profit; harvest of biomass for purposes of habitat management or ecosystem restoration, and use of harvested materials for economic benefit.  For biomass to be conservation biomass its production or harvest must result in improved ecosystem function or services compared to baseline, or fulfill a conservation goal, and the biomass must be put to an economically beneficial use.

– Midwest Conservation Biomass Alliance.